The Story of How Antiquity Rose Began

Almost 10 years ago my Mother, who was my Best Friend was passing, her loved ones took turns reading to her from a mystery book called, A Crewel World.  The characters in the book go to an Antique Shop/Restaurant in Minnesota called Antiquity Rose, as soon as I read the name to my Mom, we looked at each other and I said that would be a good name for an antique shop and she agreed as she knew in my heart of hearts I always wanted to open up a wee little shop in the country, where I would offer incredible deals on projects, local artisan’s work and treasures.  The year after my Mom passed away on her birthday,  April 1, 2009, I registered my business which I had to add Canada as Antiquity Rose was an actual business in Minnesota.

The name of my wee business is very symbolic to me from how it was named to the many references to roses that I discover as time passes, my nick name has become, “Rose”, Roses represent St. Therese, the Saint my Mom prayed to who was from a little town outside of Paris called Lisieux.  Paris is my go to destination for happiness outside of home which there are many beautiful gardens of which roses are in an abundance.  Roses not only smell fantastic they represent so much in my world, in fact I just stumbled on a quote that fell dear to my heart.

“He believed that roses did not symbolize love, but in fact were love: love made literal.”  From the novel, The Signature of all Things by Elizabeth Gilbert.

And the connection of Roses continues….stay tuned.

Karin a.k.a. Rose, who was once a wee Rose Bud